Tuesday, 13 March 2007

The girls who go to prom (and flash 10 years olds)

The girls who go to prom

Personally i like Samantha's picture
i thought Dianne should of got kicked shes starting to annoy me shes very jaeda like. In the sense that she sucks and shouldn't even to be aloud to model the plus size section in target. (I hate fat people)
jaslenes photo is super awesome, i never really liked her till now, shes definitely in the running to win.
Sara's photo looked cheap its like please coco Chanel (or Dior) wouldn't let her clean the runway never mind walk it, i think shes kind of joking about that, because if you were walking for channel than that's higher than all the winners of antm put together.
oh and Cassandra the black chick with hooker boots (i want a pair) has a hot body but fugly face she should go soon.
loved the bitch fight with jaslene but her photo sucked.

Also i was pissed that this episode wasn't makeovers the producers must be mixing it up a little.

best photo of the week:

ps. found some hot antm userbars

pps. here's a bit of an interview with Samantha, which she's tell Adrienne's photo is not in the house.I really liked Adrienne on the show.But i can see why the producers dropped her image, since she has like a cheap Internet porn show channel and then there was her really bad reality TV show my fair Brady.
Belinda: What will you do now?Samantha: I am going to get my portfolio together and continue to pursue modeling.
Belinda: Which of the girls will you stay in touch with in the future?Samantha: I was close to Brittney, who lives near me and Renee.
Samantha was nothing like her character on top model. I really enjoyed her interview and wish her all the best. Of course I asked her if Adrienne’s photo, the very first winner of top model, was in the house and she said no. “Shannon’s photo is in the house,” said Samantha. SHANNON!? Why is her photo in the house? Is she a runner up? I will get back to you on that.

WINNER: Jaslene
LESBIAN: Whitney

ppps.did anyone notice tyra's thigh boots.


Twentyonedays said...

Quick! Post this week's episode! lol Surfed here through Google while looking for a picture of some of the models.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment
try myspace for photos of the girls

Anonymous said...

Your spelling is horrific.

Anonymous said...

Theres not even one spelling mistake in my last post.
you fuck pathetic loser i hope you fucking die and eat shit you fuckwit.

peace & love ***april

Anonymous said...

ha ha. yes there is!
1. i thought Dianne should of got kicked shes starting to annoy me shes very jaeda like. In the sense that she sucks and shouldn't even to be aloud to model the plus size section in target. (I hate fat people)
first, your opinion is terribly myopic. and it's allowed, not aloud. hooked on phonics may work for you!

2. jaslenes photo is super awesome, i never really liked her till now, shes definitely in the running to win.
improper usage. try 'til. i wasn't aware that using old english was still acceptable. i weep for the future.

3. Sara's photo looked cheap its like please coco Chanel (or Dior) wouldn't let her clean the runway never mind walk it, i think shes kind of joking about that, because if you were walking for channel than that's higher than all the winners of antm put together.
Oooh good lord. First, it's Chanel. secondly, learn to use commas.

4. here's a bit of an interview with Samantha, which she's tell Adrienne's photo is not in the house.I really liked Adrienne on the show. But i can see why the producers dropped her image, since she has like a cheap Internet porn show channel and then there was her really bad reality TV show my fair Brady.
Come again? Do you mean "in which she says"? oh yeah, and don't start sentences with but.

5. Of course I asked her if Adrienne’s photo, the very first winner of top model, was in the house and she said no.
Poor privileged, undereducated youth of today! I don't even know where to begin with this sentence.

tsk tsk. get with the program, girlfriend! Instead of "blogging" Top Model, you should be working on your remedial English homework.

Anonymous said...

thats grammar not spelling you stupid fuk

Anonymous said...

I guess i'm a "stupid fuk" (sic) with a Ph.D, then. There WERE spelling errors, grammatical errors, and syntax errors. But seeing as how you're too busy smoking up your brain cells instead of attending remedial English, you CERTAINLY wouldn't know the difference. Do yourself a favor, and gouge out your ovaries. Better yet, sew up that other whistling void (not the one between your ears, or under your nose, the OTHER one) and never reproduce. Save the earth!

Anonymous said...

well at least i can get guys on the football team to fuck,unlike you drag queen,gay guys fancy guys , nnobody fancies drag queens.love you *****ciao

Anonymous said...

haha aww you're 12! I can get football players! Woo! Look at me, doing guys who will be bagging groceries for a career!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good words.