The Girl Who Blames The Taxi Driver (and Rosie O'Donnell)
The Girl Who Blames The Taxi Driver
Start of the episode
The start of the episode shows the girls mourning the bringer of light Jael,and Renee displays a fair point that Brittany used her "short term memory loss "to guilt the jugdes in to picking her over jael.Which i totally agree with,also weaveless brittany looks like a freaky soccer mom, she should like sew it back in or something.
The girls recieve the Tyra mail which has some kind of riddle with the words "go see" in it,that kind of makes me wonder when tyra is going to give up with riddles ,i mean how many more riddles can you do with the words go fucking see in them.
The girls recieve the Tyra mail which has some kind of riddle with the words "go see" in it,that kind of makes me wonder when tyra is going to give up with riddles ,i mean how many more riddles can you do with the words go fucking see in them.
The challenge was to go round Sidney to go sees and get back with in a cerntian time,which turns into cleptomainism for Dionne which i found strangley cute. Brittany does really bad and can not walk good enough for the designers even though she won the walking challenge.apparently in her cover girl interview that was to do with nerves .
Rennee ,Dionne and Jaslene make it back in time for the challenge
check out jaslene sublte reactions to here challenge win but i can forgive as it was with the weirdly pervy but sexy Nigel Barker.
Then half an hour later brittany arrives which leads to a new chapter:
Rosie O' Donnell's evil loos VS Brittany's blurred swearing
Rosie O' Donnell's evil loos VS Brittany's blurred swearing
When told she is disqualified Brittany does a total Melrose freak out and blames the grimey taxi driver who she did tell to meet her, tyra just edited that part out.and apparently "the walls are paper thin" as every time brittany raises her voice the lesbian supervising the challenge does the i just smelled a fart face.
I knew Brittany was a crazy bitch underneath i didn't buy the hole bubbley sweet thing for a second.
I knew Brittany was a crazy bitch underneath i didn't buy the hole bubbley sweet thing for a second.
Yay! Tyras is this weeks photograher she usually does the brillant black & white shoots, but this time she did a women magize shoot while her friend shot the girls for a mens magazine shoot.These were definetly the best photographs so far this season and the guys they got for the shoot were all totally hot, my favourite was Renee's they looked so hot together.
and that beach looked freezing i'm surpized that none of them had a lame fake freeze down like caridee's last seaon,also Dionne needs a Brazilian.
Jugdements Panel
The jugdes like all the photos apart from Dionnes mean stank face,and the lesbains back as a guest jugde you could totally tell she was getting a snail trial over the photos.
Tyra's "male models are just accessories" comment was a bit false i mean hasn't she heard of Calvin klein or vogue homme , bad ty ty.
Also tyra's photo this week was the one she was called fat for but surpisely you couldn't tell in the actual photos (thanks to photoshop)and this actually confirms Tyra just does the shoots souly for top model and there not taken out of elle magazine, like she acts they are, i love Tyra shes great.
PEE? aw too bad eugena wasn't there.
PEE? aw too bad eugena wasn't there.
No more excuses as Brittany heads back to bartending. God i bet she's an awful bartender.She was elimanated as not one of the model clients wanted to book her "top model history" and if knowone wants to book her she can't model, no seriously? Oh the wisedom of tyty.
Even though her phots were amazing, aspecially this weeks she a bit too crazy.
Now only four remain,the cycle seems to be going really fast.
Can anyone even rember the name Kathleen,right?
next to go:Dionne
Check out this great new fashion site because the bitch who writes it knows what shes talking about.
and heres a vid which helps me have faith in my blog
and finally heres a message from Renee to all the sad haters who i guess deserve it as they left like nearly 50 pathetically lame comments.
Peace & love*** from ANTM&ME (Oscar)
PPS.sorry if there's a few mistakes this week spellcheck wouldn't work.
why do you allways sign your name anonymous put your name chicken shit.
eat grimey old hairy green pussy and die,because my blog is more intersting than you,thats why you keep returning,fukin loser,much
I have to agree, this is by far the most "intersting" (Is that a word? Oh wait, it's not) piece of crap I've ever come across. I also find in "intersting" that you still can't spell or type but you have chosen to blame the spell check this week. Good choice. It's obvious that you've used it in all your other posts, which have absolutely no grammatical or spelling errors at all. Just wondering, when are you going to graduate from 2nd grade and learn how to use a comma? And of course you're more "intersting" than us. What could be more "intersting" than an idiotic high schooler with no life (other than her precious blog) and terrible writing skills. I bow to your mighty "intersting"-ness.
you should fucking bow and why do you type us just becuse you have the same opinion as like 2 other people does not make you an us.WE think that YOU are pathetic and your the one who needs to get a life i have a one post a week blog i mean whats more pathetic a blog or a sad fat ass who continues to comment on that blog.i dont give a shit if i've got spelling errors but you do and that is why i pity you.
you do not have to like it
you do not have to read it
you do not have to comment on it
but you obvisouly like doing these things, all of which makes you equal a fucking loser
love that faith song, and you're right that lady reminded me of rosie too.
woooww. i love leaving comments to stupid blogs who arent worth to be advertised.
Actually you're the one humiliating yourself again and again and again. Let me tell you why.
When people read fourfour, they are angered at someone putting down fourfour's blog and advertising their own blog in the comments section. So they checked in here. And to their utter dismay, they find that this recapper has nothing, NOTHING to offer: poor language, grammar, writing skills not worth mentioning. And what do they do? Read this shit, laugh or look blankly before realizing with horror that this recapper is so bold to actually advertise a completely WORTHLESS blog. Now almost every reader in fourfour knows you are a weak blogger and words spread fast honey. There's going to be new fans of fourfour each day, and people who will be directed to this blog after reading the comments section, and the whole thing repeats. Hence, the continuous humiliation.
Not only you were known to be a weak blogger, Now almost everyone is warning everyone else to ignore you like a disease.
If you still dont get what im saying, you should slap your face as hard as you can.
actually its just you, not everyone who reads fourfour vistits my blog.
why do you consist in trying to put my blog down its not working i dont care about your opinions stop humilating yourself,fuking loser
con·sist - 1. to be made up or composed (usually fol. by of): This cake consists mainly of sugar, flour, and butter.
2. to be comprised or contained (usually fol. by in): Her charm does not consist only in her beauty.
Just thought you might want the definition of that word since you obviously don't know what it means. I think you meant INSIST. And some of us (and there is an US dear) find it amusing to torture stupid people. It's very easy to get them all riled up and spewing nonsense. It makes me laugh. And just so you know...I don't read your posts. I'm not sure it's even possible to do so. I'm still not convinced they're written in English. I just come straight here to the comments so I can remind you that you're an idiot. I mean what would you do with all your time if there weren't any comments to respond to? I guess you could always spend more time playing with your dolly collection. Or pretending you have friends. Or ripping off fourfour's screen caps. Tell you what....why don't you try a little harder not to be completely brainless and I'll try a little harder to make your computer explode using telekinesis k?
"you should fucking bow"'s called sarcasm. It's this thing where I say the opposite of what I really mean and the laugh at you when you take me literally.
Stop getting so goddamn offended by everything. If you really want people to like this blog, take some constructive criticism. Be funny, nice, and learn how to use proper spelling and grammar. Maybe then, people will come to your blog for other reasons besides to trash it and laugh at you. And finally, don't come and spam on fourfour. It makes you look even more immature then you probably are.
I realized that it seems like maybe only one or two people are commenting since everyone leaves anonymous comments. The reason why is because not everyone has a blogspot account to comment you on. Anyway, I'll leave my name if that makes you feel better.
Comments on a blog, in general, are open to the public because the blogger would like feedback. You are writing posts and it is made public, therefore you should expect feedback. Just because no one other than your "friends" likes your blog doesn't mean we are haters, we're simply telling you what we think. I'm a fan of four four, and I have given Rich negative comments before. It's what happens when any part of your life is made public.
Now, despite the fact that you are an idiot, I think you and I could get along if we were forced to be on a reality show together or something. Rules of Attraction is one of my favorite movies and is my absolute favorite book. Also, you do show potential to be a little funny. You aren't funny yet, and you'll never be witty, but you would probably be able to recognize that I'm funny, which is enough.
I would suggest you improve your blog if you want readers (and I'm assuming you do, since you advertise) and not getting so upset at negative comments. You getting upset is making it more fun for the "haters." It doesn't waste any of their time to come here and ridicule you, and they get good laughs about it. I mean, I'm cracking up already at the fact that you think you are attractive.
See why people post negative comments? It's because we think it's funny. We are laughing at you the same way we laugh at people on reality tv shows- because they are dumb and entertaining.
yes i allow & accept all comments but they dont really bother me much,and i belive & have faith that my blog is good. you do not have to like,and your personal insults are laughable as you do not even know me,
and you don't really ofend me since i can click the trash can button and your comments will be no more.then what will you do with your sad little lives
and some who keeps on trying to put some down is pathetic,so to qoute antm
maybe there right but then again there probaly just JEALOUS!
April, have you ever heard of blind faith? Blind love? Real quotes, IMPRESSIVE quotes, should be taken from famous, influential people who changed lives of thousands of others, professionals, etc etc. NOT antm, becoz it is a reality show, and it is JAEL who said it and she is just a CONETSTANT and therefore quoting a contestant to support your BLIND faith is just stupid April.
Oh ya, we dont lead sad lives honey, i just think that maybe i should just irritate the hell out of you so you can regurgigate even more lines from Archie comics of something so i (and others) can sit back and laugh at April and crew act like idiots.
Also, since you irritate fourfour, why cant we do the same to your blog?
Tit for tat honey. Eye for an eye.
"actually its just you, not everyone who reads fourfour vistits my blog."" -- stupid april
Honey, the correct spelling for VISTITS is VISITS. Why do you INSIST in putting a vulgar word like TITS in that innocent matter-of-fact word. What a pervert.
Jealous of what exactly? Of your shitty blog and terrible spelling? I think anyone could have a worthless, poorly written blog. I mean if you can do it, I'm sure a trained monkey can. And if trying to put others down is a sign of jealousy, I would like to put forth the proposition that it is YOU who are jealous of US. You spend a lot of time telling us what "fukin losers" we are. "Intersting" que no?
Everyone reading this. Read fourfour!! he's the best!!
April is as funny as a fucking hemorhoid!!
"your personal insults are laughable as you do not even know me,"
Don't you think saying things like "I'm richer and more attractive than you" is a personal attack based on nothing? Also, you claim that we look like the primordial dwarves that were guests on Tyra's show. That's a personal attack. Now, you have/had a picture up so we could see what you look like, and based on that, I said it was laughable that you think you're attractive. You are not seeing pictures of me, so you don't know what i look like, but I saw what you look like, so I can make that claim.
"and you don't really ofend me since i can click the trash can button and your comments will be no more.then what will you do with your sad little lives"
It wouldn't matter. My life isn't sad. Once again, a personal attack based on nothing. We aren't trying to offend you, we are telling you the truth. The truth is you cant write. That's the truth, get over it and don't call us haters just because we are more intelligent. It must be nice to be so delusional.
The truth is you (April and Crew) can't write. Period.
What is there to deny and defend?
Actually "fanny" tyra said that qoute,you fucking tard.
you're comments mean shit to me nothing say or do will effect me or my wonderfull blog,
and to call someone stupid when you do not even know the person and you are clearly the one who is stupid.
There's a pretty simply answer to you anger towards my blog just do not read it, see there it is stupid are you not to figure that out by yourself?
go outside plant a tree, i just believe in peace love & harmony.
and I laugh at the fact that we are annoying you so much that you leave pathetic angry insulting comments.
which you're just wasting you're sad lives doing and i can say that you're live is sad, because if it was not you would not be spending you're time living lame comments on our blog and if you leave another comment you just prove my point even more, so please stop humiliating yourself.
peace & love *** from April
maybe you are right but then again maybe you're wrong
" It wouldn't matter. My life isn't sad. Once again, a personal attack based on nothing. i aren't trying to offend you, i am telling you the truth. The truth is you cant write. That's the truth, get over it and don't call me a hater just because i am more intelligent. "
False you're live is sad in my book and you're not telling " the truth " as i read this blog and like there writing and you're contradicting yourself so many times in that paragraph maybe you should consider saving up some money and taking an english class.
You basically said i'm not tyring to offend you but you're stupid and i'm not stupid my live so isn't sad.
So i'm going to use you're immaturity and say you're stupid and you're live is sad and i am telling you the truth. Get over it.
Suck on that bitch
You want to get noticed...right?. Yeah, you DID get noticed and guess what? We SAY that your blog is BAD. Period. Why are we leading sad lives just becoz we say your blog isnt brilliant? I dont understand you April, or your crew as matter of fact.
Take negative feedback graciously.
i do not agree with you , you're opinion is not the only one
You want to get noticed...right?. Yeah, you DID get noticed and guess what? i SAY that your blog is BAD. Period. Why am i leading sad lives just becoz i say your blog isnt brilliant? I dont understand you April, or your crew as matter of fact.
and i've stated why i think some of you have sad lives, i do take bad feedback graciously it doesn't bother me that's you're opinion not everyone's, i accept and get over it.
i not trying to change you're mind like you are doing to me i have provided a simple answer to those who do not like my blog which i shall print in my next post 4 you guys, ok ciao
Aw jealous that people like blog?
also false i think you're an idiot , and i put i think because i do not know you,just like you don't know me. Making a childish statement like you're an idiot just proves it is indeed you who is the idiot.
Thanks for the comment melinda glad you like my blog.
" woooww. i love leaving comments to stupid blogs who arent worth to be advertised. "
well you obvisouly do love leaving comments, you fucking tard.
"i do take bad feedback graciously"
gra·cious - 1. pleasantly kind, benevolent, and courteous.
"eat grimey old hairy green pussy and die,because my blog is more intersting than you,thats why you keep returning,fukin loser,much"
you seriously need to get a life one person left me a nice comment you dont have to belive it i really don't care,shoo just go away you've repeatedly stated you're opinion and we don't care for it,soo ciao
Well you don't critic graciously,
"you're stupid, you're a dumb blonde, stupid little rich bitch, you're an idiot. blah blah blah.
Anyone can critique it really doesn't mean shit, you people need cocaine or something.
Chill out eat a cookie and for fuck sake get a life.
To which you will respond "how do you know i don't have a life" well i do because spending it commenting on my blog is not a very
productive way to use you're lame time,and besides its my blog so i'll always have the last word.
Oh god Melinda, I don't even know where to begin.
(First, let me put it out there that me commenting is going to take one minute. I am currently at work, waiting for my boss to get back from lunch so I can get lunch. Therefore, you can say I have a sad life, but really, I just have ten minutes to kill.)
"False you're live is sad in my book"
What's a live?
"you're contradicting yourself so many times in that paragraph maybe you should consider saving up some money and taking an english class."
Do you know what contradicting means? Do you actually should be telling me to take an English class?
"You basically said i'm not tyring to offend you but you're stupid and i'm not stupid my live so isn't sad."
I understand that it was probably hard for you to grasp the simple concept of what I was saying. I'll try to break it down for you even more. I basically said that April is putting herself out there, and so we (as readers) can make comments. She shouldn't get offended if it is true. She cannot write, and that is a fact.
"So i'm going to use you're immaturity and say you're stupid and you're live is sad and i am telling you the truth. Get over it."
Hahaha...I uh, I have no words. You have actually left me speechless. Please tell me you will never have children.
"Suck on that bitch"
You sure showed me. I'm an April believer now. You know what, April is an extremely good writer. Despite her lack of knoweledge in the basics of the english language and the simplicity in her thoughts, she is the next shakespeare. Thank you for changing my mind.
Oh, and by the way, if you want to tell me that I am stupid and call it fact, you might want to make sure you are, in fact, not making yourself look worse. Thanks.
Always a Pleasure!!!
Well i imagine you to work as an ugly pc geek for the world of warcraft or something,lol.
sooo loser what do you work as?
Sorry i'm just a such positive person like renee and you're comments don't get to me
Oh and Chealsea since you're so fond of facts here's a fact for you,you're total loser.
and also what do you want from me?
bring it
haha you told us to "shoo" and "just go away". We'll go away when you go away from Fourfour. Nobody there likes you! Leave it alone! Ok?
peace and love in your words.
And so here's the ultimatum. YOu leave fourfour, we'll leave you alone okay?
Plus!!!! leaving this comment ONLY takes like a minute. Im definitely earning more than you and actually have a beautiful, more exciting life. So before you use that 15 year old losers' one-liners get some facts right.
Oh by the way our beautiful, very gracious April, you do know world of warcraft...right? The animators and game creators, they earn big bucks, BIG BIG BUCKS. Even if they look like a geek, they can definitely own much MUCH more than you do. Of course, have you actually been in the industry? you would be surprised how fantabulous some of them look. You just have no freaking idea what the world is out there so STOP your stereotyping because in contrast, you really pales in comparison to the commentors. In fact, the highlight of your posts are usually the funny comments left by readers. Funny but true :)
The gaming industry rake in millions each year as a matter of fact.
You know what you should do right now?
fourfours a public blog i shall continue to visit and you can't stop me.
Also you're boring me
i think you will that to be false,lol
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