The Girl Who Blames The Taxi Driver

Start of the episode
The start of the episode shows the girls mourning the bringer of light Jael,and Renee displays a fair point that Brittany used her "short term memory loss "to guilt the jugdes in to picking her over jael.Which i totally agree with,also weaveless brittany looks like a freaky soccer mom, she should like sew it back in or something.

The girls recieve the Tyra mail which has some kind of riddle with the words "go see" in it,that kind of makes me wonder when tyra is going to give up with riddles ,i mean how many more riddles can you do with the words go fucking see in them.
The challenge was to go round Sidney to go sees and get back with in a cerntian time,which turns into cleptomainism for Dionne which i found strangley cute. Brittany does really bad and can not walk good enough for the designers even though she won the walking challenge.apparently in her cover girl interview that was to do with nerves .
Rennee ,Dionne and Jaslene make it back in time for the challenge
check out jaslene sublte reactions to here challenge win but i can forgive as it was with the weirdly pervy but sexy Nigel Barker.

then Natasha is disquallified for being a minute late which sucks.Then half an hour later brittany arrives which leads to a new chapter:
Rosie O' Donnell's evil loos VS Brittany's blurred swearing
When told she is disqualified Brittany does a total Melrose freak out and blames the grimey taxi driver who she did tell to meet her, tyra just edited that part out.and apparently "the walls are paper thin" as every time brittany raises her voice the lesbian supervising the challenge does the i just smelled a fart face.

I knew Brittany was a crazy bitch underneath i didn't buy the hole bubbley sweet thing for a second.
Yay! Tyras is this weeks photograher she usually does the brillant black & white shoots, but this time she did a women magize shoot while her friend shot the girls for a mens magazine shoot.These were definetly the best photographs so far this season and the guys they got for the shoot were all totally hot, my favourite was Renee's they looked so hot together.
and that beach looked freezing i'm surpized that none of them had a lame fake freeze down like caridee's last seaon,also Dionne needs a Brazilian.
Jugdements Panel
The jugdes like all the photos apart from Dionnes mean stank face,and the lesbains back as a guest jugde you could totally tell she was getting a snail trial over the photos.
Tyra's "male models are just accessories" comment was a bit false i mean hasn't she heard of Calvin klein or vogue homme , bad ty ty.
Also tyra's photo this week was the one she was called fat for but surpisely you couldn't tell in the actual photos (thanks to photoshop)and this actually confirms Tyra just does the shoots souly for top model and there not taken out of elle magazine, like she acts they are, i love Tyra shes great.

PEE? aw too bad eugena wasn't there.
Elimanation No more excuses as Brittany heads back to bartending. God i bet she's an awful bartender.She was elimanated as not one of the model clients wanted to book her "top model history" and if knowone wants to book her she can't model, no seriously? Oh the wisedom of tyty.
Even though her phots were amazing, aspecially this weeks she a bit too crazy.
Now only four remain,the cycle seems to be going really fast.
Can anyone even rember the name Kathleen,right?
next to go:Dionne
PSCheck out this great new fashion site because the bitch who writes it knows what shes talking about.
and heres a vid which helps me have faith in my blog
and finally heres a message from Renee to all the sad haters who i guess deserve it as they left like nearly 50 pathetically lame comments.
fuck the haters
Peace & love*** from ANTM&ME (Oscar)
PPS.sorry if there's a few mistakes this week spellcheck wouldn't work.