The Girl Who Gets Thrown In The Pool
The Girl Who Gets Thrown In The Pool
Start of the episode
Twiggy appears looking better than usual and she reveals her real name Lesley Hornby.She then tells the girls to make up fake names for them selves, and we are blessed with a special appearance from melrose "SHE DON'T NEED THE ISSA".
Just like the twins from last season are going to appear next episode for a scandalous ANTM moments photo shoot.i wonder if Whitney and Michelle will engage in lesbian activeitys ,with them both being sexually confused basketball players and all.
Brittany - "Brit" (Brit the dog)
Dionne - "Wholahay" (Changed to "Brown" by Tyra) (racist much)
Jael - "Jael" (love it)
Jaslene - "Jaslene"
Natasha - "Nata" (Russian for poop)
Renee - "Nayien" (Changed to "NeNe" by Tyra)
Sarah - "Moe" (sounds retarded, so it suits her)
Whitney - "Whitelle"
I'm really interested to know if there actually going to keep the names?
Also at the start of the episode they showed flash backs from previous episodes and from seeing them, it was pretty easy to work out who was going.
This week's challenge was to make a good impression at the "Smart & Sexy" party.
The celebrities: included, Paris and Nicole,Austin from desperate housewives, the twins from sister sister, and 50 cent.
During the party jael and Nata end up in the pool after 50, pushes jael in ,and Nata jumps in after her.
and this challenge was pretty high class for ANTM,it was very unlike there usual cheap ass cocktail party at walmart.
I really liked jaels attitude towards the celebrity's, i mean why the fuck she should ass kiss them, shes just as good if not better than them.
Renee and Jael starting arguing back at the house after the Nicole Ritchie incident, i love Renee but jael definitely won this one
don't fuck with the blewish.
The photo shoot idea rocked and Dionne's challenge win was pretty high class, as keds have done campaigns with celebrities like Mischa Barton

It was pretty obvious Sara was going after she chose to rename her self Moe,and she just wasn't pretty in person. She should definitely remain behind the camera.because if you didn't know shes "photographer" no really she is. But i have to admit, her retard faces did entertain me quite a bit.

winner: jael/jaslene
next to go: nata
crazy bitch:jael

PS. Renee fan vid:
Why would you have to insult someone's hard work in their own blog to get people to read your shit?
Waste of my fucking life...
You can't touch fourfour recaps...
so don't even bother
ahaha, you're right, you're really funny! Lines like, "She should definitely remain behind the camera.because if you didn't know shes "photographer" no really she is."
Jesus, I can't stop laughing! No really, I can't.
ummm...nice try but your recap sucks compared to lose
Bitch, you did NOT come on Rich's site to plug this sorry-ass BORING blog.
I would feel bad that I'm about to insult you, but shit, you asked for it.
You're not funny or original; no one cares about your fucking stupid blog. You'll notice the only comments on this post are full of HATE, and while you may be a total dumbass, I'm sure you understand what that means. Try and finish Middle School. You'll find it does wonders for the mind.
Are you trying to be bitchy-funny? Because if you are, it's definitely not working.
On the other hand, if you're trying to sound like a fucking moron, congrats. You're going an excellent job.
Oh my. I realize that you're still in high school, but I promise you once you learn the fine art of forming a complete and coherent sentence you won't be able to contain yourself. Another thing you'll learn once you're out of high school: it's shitty to claim that someone sucks on their own turf. Have you ever seen West Side Story? I'm sure you haven't since it doesn't come on between Laguna Beach and My Super Sweet Sixteen Remix. At any rate, Rich is the king of all ANTM recaps and you don't even come close. You're cute in a really sad, bad spelling grammar and syntax kind of way though. But again, to reiterate: your blog is shitty. And it's REALLY shitty to say something to the effect of: "Sorry for stealing pics from fourfour but he'll have to get over it." Another phrase you should become familiar with: Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Or: Stealing is wrong.
Take care now,
Not funny.
You are pathetic. Is this supposed to be some sort of sad imitation of Rich's recaps at fourfour? hahahahahhahahahaha.
Stupid cunt blog spammer. I want to punch you in the face.
Thanks for the nice comments!
I actually recap the episodes unlike fourfour who just takes loads of lame screencaps and writes lame comments next to them,fourfour is about as funny as a rore fuckin hemeroid!
then why do you steal images from fourfour dumb bitch. you are a fucking plagarist. i hope you die.
If you're so great, why do you admit to stealing his stuff and have him in your links section?
God, you suck.
most witless recap I have ever seen...
leave TV blogging to people with a sense of humour.
Bitch, don't insult someone else's blog if your blog sucks complete ass. But then again, you probably don't even know how much your blog sucks, even with all these negative comments. If you want to keep writing these pieces of crap, then go ahead. But stay out of fourfour, get visitors the old-fashioned way, instead of plugging yourself on a blog which you insult.
Girl please, your blog, get this, PALES in comparison to fourfour. And stop advertising your blog there. Your blog is shitty so please do not attempt to outshine fourfour becoz why? your humour is just so bland. What so humourous about your recaps anyway. Your creativity is null, you copyright stuff, never gave credit to fourfour, you stole his pics and ask him to get over it? how rude is that. Your narrative skills really sucks.
Bitch please.
All right, ‘April,’ I’m a fan of Rich, the writer of fourfour. You annoyed the crap out of me when you insulted him, so after hearing from some other people about how much your blog sucked, I decided to see for myself, as I’m always in need of a good, narcissistic laugh. Thank you for providing me with one. In my real life, I’m a copy editor, and as I enjoy being one immensely, I decided to have some fun and copy-edit YOUR writing.
“she reveals her real name Lesley Hornby”
She reveals her real name IS Lesley Hornby, perhaps? Verbs are your friends.
"them selves"
…is one word.
Hmm, let’s see. First of all, you need a double-space between sentences. Second of all, the first word of the sentence should be capitalized. And last but not least, ‘I’ is always capitalized REGARDLESS.
"engage in lesbian activeitys ,with"
Activities. Also, the comma goes after 'activities', and the space after it.
"I'm really interested to know if there actually going to keep the names?"
They’re. Or ‘they are.’
"The celebrities: included, Paris and Nicole"
The colon should be after included, not after celebrities. The way you have it written sounds like there’s some celebrity out there named ‘included.’
Yeah, there should be a space between the comma and ‘Austin.’
"During the party jael and Nata end up in the pool after 50, pushes jael in ,and Nata jumps in after her."
Cor, this is a mess. Firstly, capitalize the first letter of proper names. So ‘Jael,’ not ‘jael.’ Secondly, you need no comma after ’50.’ The space after ‘in’ goes AFTER the comma, not BEFORE it. And there doesn’t even need to BE a comma there in the first place.
"and this challenge was pretty high class for ANTM,it was very unlike there usual cheap ass cocktail party at walmart."
You seem rather fond of the ‘One-There-Fits-All’ theory of blogging. In this situation, you need ‘their.’ ‘Wal-Mart’ is a proper name and should be written as such. And a space is needed between the comma and ‘it.’
"I really liked jaels attitude towards the celebrity's, i mean why the fuck she should ass kiss them, shes just as good if not better than them."
Jael is in possession of her attitude, therefore, ‘Jael’s attitude.’ The celebrities, on the other hand, are not in possession of ANYTHING in this sentence. So ‘celebrities.’ Once again, capitalize your ‘I’s. ‘Should she’, not ‘she should’ is correct here. And ‘she’s,’ not ‘shes.’
"Renee and Jael starting arguing back at the house after the Nicole Ritchie incident, i love Renee but jael definitely won this one"
‘Started,’ not ‘starting.’ Same capitalization issues as before.
"It was pretty obvious Sara was going after she chose to rename her self Moe,and she just wasn't pretty in person. She should definitely remain behind the camera.because if you didn't know shes "photographer" no really she is. But i have to admit, her retard faces did entertain me quite a bit."
More issues with spacing, apostrophes, spelling, and capitalization. You try to find them this time! Really, grammar can be fun!
I read many blogs. Most of the writers make mistakes from time to time. Yeah, my eye catches it. No, I don’t comment correcting every single thing they do wrong. Why? Two reasons. One, their mistakes are few and far between. Two, they aren’t commenting on my blog or other blogs which I enjoy insulting the authors and promoting themselves as being the ‘best blog ever.’ If they were, I’d probably be as harsh to them as I am to you. Blogging is a form of writing. Writing is only pleasurable for most people to read if it’s done WELL. Therefore, while blogging might be a big fad right now, it simply isn’t for everyone, for the simple reason that many people, such as yourself, cannot write worth crap.
Oh my god.
"fourfour is about as funny as a rore fuckin hemeroid!"
April, girl, you need to stop hitting the pipe. First, your post is atrocious, and your final dig at Rich is misspelled and even worst, nonsensical. If Rich's blog was so terrible, he wouldn't be invited to have a resident blog at Bravo and VH1. Go back to your high school creative writing class and learn some syntax! AND STOP HITTING THE PIPE!
All i can see is some random pics, stupid captions, really bad grammar, so NOT entertaining as hell.
try harder bitch.
compare your blog to rich's. While rich is kind of random, rich COMMUNICATES with the reader. There are some MESSAGES he brought across. He brought out CHARACTERIZATION. HE has a THEME. he TELLS the reader what he thinks of every single detail that is worth mentioning.
JUST go back to where you belong; The dustbin.
Oh, and please you need tuition on writing and grammar.
Just..take this blog down already!!
stupid cunt
stop spamming
your blog is LAME
get a life
stupid cunt
stop spamming
your blog is LAME
get a life
stupid cunt
stop spamming
your blog is LAME
get a life
stupid cunt
stop spamming
your blog is LAME
get a life
stupid cunt
stop spamming
your blog is LAME
get a life
stupid cunt
stop spamming
your blog is LAME
get a life
stupid cunt
stop spamming
your blog is LAME
get a life
stupid cunt
stop spamming
your blog is LAME
get a life
stupid cunt
stop spamming
your blog is LAME
get a life
stupid cunt
stop spamming
your blog is LAME
get a life
Its just because i'm more pretty and more rich than all of you.
i know about 5 people who like my blog so i will continue writing it for them.
peace & love bitches ******
You say that actually recap an episode instead of taking screenshots. Fair enough, that's what you attempt to do. However, Rich has fans, you do not. Seems like he's doing something right. You, on the other hand, are boring and a rip off artist.
Enjoy your blog. Perhaps you have a future. Rich certainly does. Maybe that's because he can put together a proper sentence.
Perhaps you're just jealous of his success.
"Its just because i'm more pretty and more rich than all of you."
God, if I didn't know you were in high school before, I certainly would now.
First of all, you have NO IDEA what ANY of us look like, and no idea WHAT our financial situations are. We could all be movie star billionaires, for all you know. Second of all, none of us have any idea what you look like, or how 'rich' you are, which is probably a good thing. This is the INTERNET, 'April.' You can pretend to be whoever the fuck you want. I'm not really French. But my blogger name is. You get it?
And also, even if you were Bill Gates' daughter or something (and I'm sure that if you were, he'd be ruing the day you were born), why does that make you any better than the rest of us? Why would the fact that you're 'pretty and rich' automatically make us jealous of you? All we know about you is that you're a petulant idiot who can't spell worth crap. Nobody's jealous of that. Don't even kid yourself.
5 persons who like your blog honey?
You mean, you actually counted them? How pathetic. It could all be YOU for all we know.
Anyway, those 5 souls, either they have no life or just trying to delude you further.
In any case, you still suck. BIG TIME
Tyty urges you to KISS HER FAT ASS.
Thank you.
Seriously your blog can't even compare to Rich's over at fourfour. But you must have known this since you felt the need to come over to his blog and talk about how much his sucks! You clearly can't get anyone to this blog of crap without badmouthing a good blog, so go shove it!
Bring it!
Stop spamming Rich. Your recaps suck ass. Seriously. YOU SUCK.
April you rock,another great recap.
"Its just because i'm more pretty and more rich than all of you"?
What are you? 12?
1) Does anyone really SAY that?!
2) No, you're really not that pretty. Very run-of-the-mill blonde.
3) Money has obviously not bought you a very good education. How embarrassing.
4) 5 people? Have you ever heard of e-mail? Blogs are for people who are interesting.
IF you're so rich, why don't you buy yourself a lifetime supply of Hooked on Phonics because, honey, public school is not working for you.
Instead of doing your poor attempt at recapping, you need to get your homework done. This was a mess.
Indeed, if you truly wanted to do a real recap you'd:
a. Have an original thought
b. Be witty
c. Get your own screencaps
It's unfortunate that you chose to get hits to your blog by being negative. If you knew what you were doing, you'd get hits with submissions to search engines. In that way, even more people could see how horribly you compose a blog post and not just fans of FourFour.
hey, I didn't even bother to read your lame blog. I just came to say that there's no reason to hate on rich, just because you feel threatened by him. there's room for manymanymany blogs on the Internet, so be cool and stop hijacking someone else's totally awesome blog. you're just making a bad name for yourself. we don't go to rich's site to read a recap, we go to read his hilarious commentary and witty insights. (like you'd know anything about that.)
oh please how can you not laugh at that image of sara
Well, I think it'd be hard to laugh at it, as it's so fast-moving it could possibly induce a seizure.
"as a rore fuckin hemeroid!"
all right, I can figure out that 'hemeroid' is supposed to be 'hemorrhoid,' but I cannot for the life of me figure out what 'rore' is supposed to be.
Spellcheck didn't help me out:
None of their options made any sense when put in context; however, then I realized that neither do you.
rore like roar meat,maybe its a british thing.
hahahaha, you're prettier and richer than all of us? first of all, you're not pretty but you're skinny enough. if you continue not eating, maybe you'll finally hit that perfect weight and that can make up for you're unfortunate face.
really, you aren't funny or witty, you aren't intelligent, you aren't pretty...what do you have to offer to the world?
jelousy much!
ive had anorexia im over it,
and im sure hot guys would sooner wake to my face than yours,but im just assuming,love you**** ciao
not laugh at the face of sarah?
People dont laugh at pictures alone honey, you noe what rich does? POint out something else in the screecaps that people dont normally see in a picture, or use it as a storyline, or parts to illustrate SOMETHING.
And jaslene's random up and down thing in her gif. PLease, the pic is like so random without any accompanying captions, or anything!!
Seriously your writing style SUCKS.
And bring it?
Bring what? All i want to bring to you is tyra's FAT ASS so you can KISS IT.
Well, obviously when you mentioned you were aneroxic. You must be...14, 15? No wait. You must be 13.
I should be dead on right. Read this blog back 5 , 6 years later and you'll find whatever we find in your blog, including your nasty self. Thank you.
APRIL (or whatever the bitch's name is) SHOULD TAKE THIS BLOG DOWN!!!
To anonymous number whatever: Aye.
To anonymous-before-April: I assume, by your lack of proper spelling, that you're implying that we negative commenters are jealous of April. We're not. We have no reason to be. Jealously is honestly the most overused catch-all excuse I have ever encountered. Be a bit more creative next time. Unless of course you're actually April, in which case I don't think that's in the realm of possibility.
To April: Once again, you're making assumptions about the looks of people who you have never seen. Second of all, even if you DID know what every single person who was responding to you looked like, you STILL wouldn't know whether 'hot guys' would rather 'wake up' to you or to 'the rest of us.' There's not one standard of beauty that EVERY person in the world finds to be attractive, and therefore first of all almost every guy out there could be considered 'hot' to SOMEONE, and almost every woman could as well. Also-- do you have ANY IDEA AT ALL whether the commenters on here are even straight WOMEN? Or gay men? Some of us COULD be lesbians, you know, and then it REALLY wouldn't matter whether 'hot' guys wanted us or not, WOULD it? And some of us might be straight men, in which case it ALSO wouldn't matter.
Yes, you ARE just assuming. And the sad thing is, you don't even know how MUCH you're assuming.
To April:
ive had anorexia im over it,
If you truly had anorexia and got over it, you would be fat.
To everyone else:
Does anyone think this below comment was left by April?
Anonymous said...
April you rock,another great recap.
10 April 2007 10:03
Yup, she probably left that comment herself to make it look like SOMEONE likes her.
oh well, she's probably trying hard to salvage her already pathetic situation.
Maybe that would be 5 aprils plus one april who loved her blog.
another great recap indeed *rolls eyes*
oh please, you're pretty? whenever i finished doing buisness i see april looking all black in the toilet bowl. Glad to get rid of her off my system. She's nasty. Oh, and smelly.
If you dont like my blog that's fine, i really don't care that much about your opinions.
But its obviously not that lame or you wouldn't be spending all your days commenting on in it, stupid sad fucks.
and im bi sexual so im really not homophobic, maybe you should spend less time evaluating me you bunch of pathetic nerds. whose idea of a fun time is probably checking blogs for spelling errors and chatting in lord of the rings chat rooms, again im just assuming, but im probably right!
oh honey, perhaps you still have not realized but get this, your blog IS that LAME.
A couple of pointers for you. If you do not want poeple to comment on your blog then,
1) DOnt diss and put down another person's blog whose work has already been known to many and even recognized.
2) you actually insulted his called hima fucking hemorhoid or smtg as retarded as yourself. And you DO NOT plagarize other poeple's work, when so many poeple know they're not yours because they can spot recognized works, especially avid readers. Not giving credit is the worse crime ever.
3)LAstly, DO NOT advertise your blog and CLAIM it is BETTER than fourfour because it is CLEARLY NOT.
Get this from me. ive read plenty of good blogs, i can tell good ones from bad ones and your blog falls under the category of underdeveloped, and uninteresting blog, plus boring and stupid. SOmething a 14 year old might produce.
MAybe write an apology in your next post and why you didnt mean to insult rich. AS simple as that.
As a fan of fourfour myself, i am very enraged that someone like you DARED to be such a bitch. There's one thing about being a bitch. It's another if you're a plain ass, incompetent bitch as it is just pointless. i would have been less harsh if your recap is at least the same standard as rich's but sorry, you're not.
You need to apologize to fans and rich ASAP
Ooh a bisexual anorexic moron. Could you be any more cliché?
yeah because theres tons of bi sexual anorexics,dumb ass!
April you know your funny , we know your funny,we bitch about shit these people need to get over it.
so leave her alone or we will set the bi sexual anorexic mafia upon you guys!
"April you know your funny , we know your funny,we bitch about shit these people need to get over it."
Wow, I'm so glad all of you know the Funny which April possesses. What's a Funny, anyway?
It's not surprising that you guys are friends-- you all have the same lame sense of humour and horrible grammar skills.
To oscar:
Bitch please.
Unefemme, perhaps we will meet April's pet Funny when Oscar Bankable's bisexual anorexic mafia comes after us.
These recaps are pathetic. Not clever, not funny...the epitome of LAME!
"Unefemme, perhaps we will meet April's pet Funny when Oscar Bankable's bisexual anorexic mafia comes after us."
And then can we play in the fire raining down from the heavens?
Oscar, i noe it's hard to say that these recaps really sucks and we know you can't agree because u noe, april is like your friend and all. Saying these to her face, kind of makes you somewhat bitchy.
We know, at the bottom of yor heart sits repulsion. We can feel your tremors of disgust at april's stale humour.
We know oscar. We are with you.
But just sit in some corner until you're called okay?
Oh wow, I like that your getting reamed. You have recapped the episode, I'll give you that, but in a "dionne said this" & "Natasha" did this" hugely literal play by play sort of way. We already knew everything you wrote in your blog, when we watched the epsiode. If you want ppl to read your blogs & not cut you to shit, then maybe you should try adding in something to your blog, like i don't know, humour, or perspective. Also, stay out of other ppl's blogs. It did not help you at all. Just made you look like a stupid child. I would advise you to stay away from reviewing/journalism when you grow up, but your shit is too weak for anyone to even look at it, so I'm not really worried about it. Have fun being a dumb bitch for life!
well at least my blog is obvisouly interesting or you would not my spending all your sad ass lifes reading and reviewing it,and i'm sure ill get a better job than you,because you obvisouly don't have anything intersing going on in your pathetic live,if you have them time to comment on such a "lame" blogjelousy much!
Yes, I'm sure you'll find a FINE job as a sample writer for Spell Checking 101.
april get real, whoever is jealous of your utterly stupid blog will be a retard just like you are.
well i guess your all retards then
"well i guess your all retards then"
Our 'All retards then' do what?
Learn the fucking difference between 'your' and 'you're,' nincompoop.
"your" just proving how lame you are for replying to my comments!
""your" just proving how lame you are for replying to my comments!"
Sorry, I don't own one of those, please try again.
But in all seriousness- do you know what's REALLY lame? Writing replies anonymously ON YOUR OWN BLOG to make it seem as if you have more support than you actually do.
Your grammar stinks. People are not impressed with the word "you're" written as "your"
*rolls eyes*
you just keep proving my point,fuckin losers
whatever bitch.
"Anonymous said...
you just keep proving my point,fuckin losers"
Just as you continually prove ours.
to UneFemmePlusCourageuse :
get a fucking life you sad ass fuk,instead of commenting on my blog,i keep proving YOUR point, you're the ONLY pathetic fuck who is still continuously commenting on my blog.
How about you go outside and plant a tree or something ,you fuking lame ass cyber nerd!!!!!!!
"get a fucking life you sad ass fuk,instead of commenting on my blog,i keep proving YOUR point, you're the ONLY pathetic fuck who is still continuously commenting on my blog.
How about you go outside and plant a tree or something ,you fuking lame ass cyber nerd!!!!!!!"
Oh, wow. I'm SO hurt. You called me a nerd. I've never been called THAT before. You called me a pathetic fuck. That must be the most original insult EVER, April. You did it all without a care in the world for how much of a moron you looked like. How amazingly courageous.
You know why I keep commenting? Because you amuse me. Because I know that I'm always going to have the upper hand. And how do I know this? Because the only reason I DISCOVERED this miserable excuse for a blog is because you went on another, VERY well-loved and well-written blog, and insulted it in order to promote yourself. And guess what? You got people to read your shoddy excuse for 'writing.' And when they called you out on your shit, what did you do? Did you make one EFFORT to improve your juvenile writing style? No, you responded with insults that could have been thought up by any eight-year-old, telling us how 'pretty' and 'rich' you are-- thus proving ONCE AGAIN exactly how much you profoundly NEED and CRAVE attention.
And you know what? I'm a narcissist, and I enjoy amusing myself by telling idiots exactly how idiotic they are. It's fun for me. It's certainly not the ONLY thing I do, but in my free time, guess what? I like it. And chances are I'm going to keep doing it until you stop responding and stop writing in a manner than gives me anything to mock.
To unefemmecorageuse: WORD.
To April: Is that a recap written by a three yr old? Just asking.
yea coming from a nerd who starts a sentence with and,fucking tard.
Oscar just shut up!! just go away!! YOu're being SUCH a nuisance. Just go and sit in some corner okay?
its our blog dumb ass
i know it rocks
haha!! only you think it rocks. You versus hundreds of others.
"haha!! only you think it rocks. You versus hundreds of others.
And so you see, April? I'm NOT the only one still deriding your pathetic efforts. 'Anonymous' is here as well.
boverd , get a life
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